Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Acting out a story

All my stories and songs are participatory. Children enjoy the story more and remember it better when they can play a part, provide sound effects, or play some of the instruments.

Here a student has some simple lines, and is excited about getting to use the microphone.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. June, I like your ideas of storytelling, particularly having the children act out the roles. In many of my short stories, I create characters to act out roles pertaining to the theme of the story.

    I write stories about everyday people in everyday life. Everyone of my stories has a message. In some cases it is direct and in others you will discover it as you read them or come to your own conclusions about the story.

    I truly enjoy writing these stories. Isn't storytelling great?

    1. Frank, Storytelling is magical. It amazes me that children, who are constantly exposed to videos, internet,TV and movies, will sit and listen to a story.When they get to come up "onstage" and act out parts, they are thrilled. It's always as much or more fun for me than them!
